Joints' description

1 Wrist The wrist.
2 Palm The palm.
3 ThumbMetacarpalJoint The lowest joint in the thumb (down in your palm).
4 ThumbProximalJoint The thumb's second (middle-ish) joint.
5 ThumbDistalJoint The thumb's first (furthest) joint.
6 ThumbTip The tip of the thumb.
7 IndexMetacarpal The lowest joint of the index finger.
8 IndexKnuckle The knuckle joint of the index finger.
9 IndexMiddleJoint The middle joint of the index finger.
10 IndexDistalJoint The joint nearest the tip of the index finger.
11 IndexTip The tip of the index finger.
12 MiddleMetacarpal The lowest joint of the middle finger.
13 MiddleKnuckle The knuckle joint of the middle finger.
14 MiddleMiddleJoint The middle joint of the middle finger.
15 MiddleDistalJoint The joint nearest the tip of the finger.
16 MiddleTip The tip of the middle finger.
17 RingMetacarpal The lowest joint of the ring finger.
18 RingKnuckle The knuckle of the ring finger.
19 RingMiddleJoint The middle joint of the ring finger.
20 RingDistalJoint The joint nearest the tip of the ring finger.
21 RingTip The tip of the ring finger.
22 PinkyMetacarpal The lowest joint of the pinky finger.
23 PinkyKnuckle The knuckle joint of the pinky finger.
24 PinkyMiddleJoint The middle joint of the pinky finger.
25 PinkyDistalJoint The joint nearest the tip of the pink finger.
26 PinkyTip The tip of the pinky.