2 |
Palm |
The palm. |
3 |
ThumbMetacarpalJoint |
The lowest joint in the thumb (down in your palm). |
4 |
ThumbProximalJoint |
The thumb's second (middle-ish) joint. |
5 |
ThumbDistalJoint |
The thumb's first (furthest) joint. |
6 |
ThumbTip |
The tip of the thumb. |
7 |
IndexMetacarpal |
The lowest joint of the index finger. |
8 |
IndexKnuckle |
The knuckle joint of the index finger. |
9 |
IndexMiddleJoint |
The middle joint of the index finger. |
10 |
IndexDistalJoint |
The joint nearest the tip of the index finger. |
11 |
IndexTip |
The tip of the index finger. |
12 |
MiddleMetacarpal |
The lowest joint of the middle finger. |
13 |
MiddleKnuckle |
The knuckle joint of the middle finger. |
14 |
MiddleMiddleJoint |
The middle joint of the middle finger. |
15 |
MiddleDistalJoint |
The joint nearest the tip of the finger. |
16 |
MiddleTip |
The tip of the middle finger. |
17 |
RingMetacarpal |
The lowest joint of the ring finger. |
18 |
RingKnuckle |
The knuckle of the ring finger. |
19 |
RingMiddleJoint |
The middle joint of the ring finger. |
20 |
RingDistalJoint |
The joint nearest the tip of the ring finger. |
21 |
RingTip |
The tip of the ring finger. |
22 |
PinkyMetacarpal |
The lowest joint of the pinky finger. |
23 |
PinkyKnuckle |
The knuckle joint of the pinky finger. |
24 |
PinkyMiddleJoint |
The middle joint of the pinky finger. |
25 |
PinkyDistalJoint |
The joint nearest the tip of the pink finger. |
26 |
PinkyTip |
The tip of the pinky. |